
What is eGive?

The work of our parish is made possible through the giving hearts of our parishioners. In response to changing lifestyles and demands on time and energy, St. Thomas More Parish wishes to assist our faithful parishioners in supporting our parish financially by offering the option to eGive.

eGive is one way to support the mission of St. Thomas More Parish through regular parish contributions offered electronically once or twice each month.

Giving is a very personal decision; eGive is offered to help meet the needs and lifestyle of faithful parishioners who enjoy the convince of similar programs, like making online donations or automatic bill payments.

Why eGive?

For the Giver…

eGive offers convenience. There is no need to issue cheques, hunt for change or stop at the bank on the way to worship.

eGive offers peace of mind. Even when unable to join the community because of illness, weather or while enjoying a vacation, the faithful can rest knowing that they are supporting their parish.

For the Parish…

eGive allows the parish to plan better for the future by providing steady and dependable contributions.

eGive saves time for volunteers and reduces paperwork for bookkeepers.

eGive offers increased security as less cash is handled on premises.

How to Enrol

  1. Get an eGive Enrolment Form from this website or from the parish priest.
  2. Decide the amount of your gift to St. Thomas More Parish to be made each month.
  3. Fill out the Enrolment form, attach a cheque from your bank account marked “void” and return it to the parish priest or put it in the Sunday collection.


Will I receive a donation receipt for taxes?

Yes. Those who enrol for eGive still receive an annual receipt from the parish.

Can I make changes to my eGive?
Yes. Changes to eGive, including amount and frequency, can be made at any time with 30 days of notice simply by completing another enrolment form.

Can I cancel eGive at any time?
Yes. Cancellation of eGive can be done with 30 days of notice in writing or by using the provided eGiving Cancelation form.

Can I give to special collections with eGive?

Yes. The eGive Enrolment form gives you the chance to contribute to most special collections. Those who use eGive still receive a box of offertory envelopes ensuring every opportunity to contribute to all collections.

Can I still make an offering using envelopes?
Yes. Additional gifts can still be put into the collection on Sunday and will be combined with your eGive offerings.

Are there any fees when giving eGive?

No. There are absolutely no fees for those who make use of eGive.

Can I keep track of my eGive contributions?

Yes. eGive offerings will appear on your bank statements or passbook.